Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally finals and I'm going to lose it.

I don't know if I'm going to lose it in a sense of sanity or in the sense of weight.

I know I haven't updated you lately but nothings new.
I haven't been really talking to Luke, but me and Josh have been hitting it off.
He plans to come down here sometime during the second week of winter break.
This means the diet definitely needs to be in motion next week.
I know Christmas will make this hard... don't remind me.
This is why I plan on getting a head start starting tomorrow.... This gives me about forsure 10 days until Josh comes down to see me.
I still don't have an exact game plan as far as diets go.
I plan to water fast tomorrow and possibly the next day.
I'll start keeping you updated everyday again..
It gives me even more will power not to become even fatter.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fuck it.

I've been on a continually downward spiral these past few days.
I'm so ashamed I can't even speak of it.
I'm still an ugly fat fuck, and guess what I found out today?
I can go down with my friend to see her boyfriend and Josh next weekend.
If I'm not as much of an embarrassment then I'll oblige.
But if not I'll say I'm at my dads house (I'm home bound for life there, long story...).
To make matters worse Thanksgiving and the holidays are coming up... Fucking fantastic.
It's not like I need motivation, I get plenty of that from my friends and my mom.
Just yesterday I skipped out on the gym because I planned to go to the New Moon premiere with some friends(GAY!).
She replies"Do you just want to become a fatass?"...."Oh wait too late for that."
It seems like no matter what I'm as fucked as a shit house rat.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Two days after.

2 Glasses of water
1 glass of pina colada juice
1 glass of tomato juice
1 can of matzo ball soup (160 calories)
1 brownie (150- 200 calories)
4 pieces of gum (20 calories)
Gym-3 miles
I hate my life.
Our school sells brownies and today my friend really wanted to split some of hers with me.
Since I usually always take it she would of been questioning if I didn't take it. I didn't eat all of it but who the fuck knows how many calories are packed into those things.

During 6th period soccer class I felt so dizzy. I need to start increasing my water intake for sure. After I came home from soccer class I had matzo ball soup. SO AMAZING. I used to not like it at all but I guess anything now will taste like heaven. I think I might have one bowl of soup everyday, but I don't know yet.

Today everyone kept on saying I looked so different and pretty? I haven't done anything different, I'm still an ugly fatass bitch?? So what the hell.

Everyday I succeed, I get one step closer to my goal.
To bad I'm going nowhere fast.


One day after.

2 glasses of warm lemon/salt water
1 glass of water
1 glass of cranberry juice
2 pieces of gum (20 calories)
I did extremely good this day.
I wish I could do this everyday.:)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Binges & beginnings.

Since my last post I have just been on an ongoing binge.
If I give myself just a little bit of wiggle room I take more.
It's like if I eat 1 mini bagel, I suddenly need the whole package.
The only good thing I have done in these past few days is still go to the gym.
I need a plan, I need structure.
This is why today I decided to start a 4 day liquid/gum diet.
I don't know how I'll do, it's a little test I guess you could say.
I'm going to start keeping a food journal and at the end of each day I will post what I ate.
This will also help keep me more controlled because I don't like admitting my wrongs.

I want to be beautiful.
I want to be loved.
I want to be thin.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

More is less.

Yesterday, Saturday, I guess I went on a "date".
I say "date" because I had no acknowledgment of it ever being a date.
Here's the thing, I ran into this other guy I had met from the corn maze Friday at a fast food place, after the football game. Just so you don't confuse this guy from my friends boyfriend's friend(the guy I had just met at the game), we'll call this guy "Luke", and my friends boyfriends friend "Josh". Well anyway Luke and I exchanged cell phone numbers, and he invited me the next day to a volleyball game between our schools (He goes to our schools rival school). I said no because I was honestly already meeting up with some friends at the movies. He asks if he can tag along and I say sure. We watched The Fourth Kind and at about 10 minutes into the movie he starts holding my hand. Because I was scared? I beg to differ. So after he holds my hand for about 15 minutes he puts his arm around me and makes me lean against his chest. We were like that the whole movie.

Now let me just clear some stuff up, Luke isn't ugly but I definitely don't like him. He's just kinda awkward and boring. But Josh on the other hand is my ideal guy. Through the whole movie I kept on thinking how I wish I could still be texting Josh(We were texting the whole day, but because of "Mr. Smooth" I couldn't because I don't want to be rude.). My friend was at the movies too and I hope she doesn't tell her boyfriend that I like Luke instead of his friend Josh.

Reading this may give you guys the wrong impression of me. First of all I definitely don't date alot. I've had one boyfriend and it was only for like two weeks, that was in August last year. Then prior to that I had gone on a 2 week cruise that summer and had a... I guess you would call it a vacation fling? Then that following Spring Break we went on another cruise for only a week and I met another guy, another vacation fling. I never kissed my boyfriend I had, I kissed the boy on the summer cruise, and I made out with the guy from the Spring Break cruise. Needless to say, I haven't gotten much guy action in a long time. Now I've got two guys. All I have to say is be careful in what you wish for, because you might just get it.

My diet yesterday only consisted of a small slice of cake. This is only because my brother came back from radiation for his cancer. He had been gone for a whole month, so of course we made a cake and ate it at the table. I don't want anyone getting suspicious.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Life's looking up.

I have alot of news to tell you.
First of all I got a membership to a new gym on Wednesday, and plan on going there every Monday through Thursday, because they're open 24/7 on those days.
I may go on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays but that probably won't happen because they close at like 10 on those days.

So for the past few days I've been just drinking fluids and just having one bowl of spinach lentil soup.
And today I just had a coke icee from Burger King,only 140 calories.
Also today I met one of my friends boyfriends friend at a football game.
We flirted all night.
He doesn't live in town though, but he lives only like an hour away.
I guess we will just let it plan out.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat, drink and be scary.

We of course lost our home state playoff game.
But the score was only 3-0, which I consider a victory because they were ranked number 5 in the state and we are ranked only number 12.
On the other hand though I'm pretty glad it's all over.
Now I can focus on more important things.

So as you know yesterday was Halloween.
Me and some close friends watched all the saw movies Friday and Saturday morning.
Then we watched saw 6 at the movies at about 5 on Halloween.
Then we went trick or treating to other friends houses, went to the haunted house, and the corn maze.
The corn maze was by far the best part.
There was alot of people there from little towns that are about 20 miles from my town.
One of these people were supposed to be a scarer but instead he sort of walked with me through the maze.;)
Overall I had a fantastic Halloween.

I look forward to finally restricting calories.
I'm starting right away, as in tomorrow.haha:)


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Olé, Olé, Olé!

District Champs!
We won the game 5 to 1.
It was a way easier game then what I had expected.
This is the 5th year in a row our school took district.:)
Since we took district we will be going to a state playoff game.
We find out who we will be playing sometime this weekend.
I really hope it's not a home game, I love away games.

To update on my diet I can't really restrict while during a harsh soccer season.
I get really dizzy.
So as of right now I'm just trying to eat healthy.
Then when soccer season is finally over I will start restricting.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rain rain go away.

So yesterday our game got canceled.
If you guess because of rain your a genius.
We ended up staying at the fields until 7.
We got in the town at 4.

But anyway we are rescheduled to play on Friday.
Don't get me wrong soccer season is fun but I'm just pooped from it.
&& today I found out that we will just lift weights in the weight room and run sometimes after soccer season is over (only during that last period though:)).
Anything is better then season practice.

I'm starting to restrict calories tomorrow, 1,000 per day.
This is sort of a pre-diet thing I do.
I will probably restrict to 1,000 for a week.
From there I was thinking of giving the 2468 diet another try.
Last time I went on it though I did loose weight but I didn't look any thinner.
& some of my friends started getting concerned.
I don't really know why though.
So what if their chubby friend went on a diet to loose a few lbs?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Le ballon rouge.

Today was a pretty good day.
School went by pretty quick, I have loads of homework though.

I love how our French sub doesn't know anything.
Our original French teacher got deported and still hasn't gotten her visa issues sorted out.
It is already past the 1st 9 weeks.
Anyway today she was ranting on how she had a film she had rented for our class thinking there were French subtitles, there wasn't.
She finally puts the film on and what film was it you may ask?
The Red Balloon.
Wow I just love my teachers.

Tomorrow may be our last game for soccer.
If we win we take district and go to state playoffs.
If we loose we still may go to playoffs, but probably not because our record isn't the greatest.
Playoffs mean about another 2 weeks for practice.
But we still might have practice for the end of the semester regardless.
You see soccer is a class, it's my last period.
We get out early from school everyday to go to the fields to practice.
Our season may be over but we will still have it as a class until the end of the semester.

I've been thinking about going on a cleanse when soccer season comes to a close.
I'm tired of feeling lethargic and fat.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


I feel like I'm at a turning point in my life & important things should always be documented.
Therefore, I will try to write on this everyday even though I know no one will really read it.
I don't see this as a blog but rather a type of diary, but better because:
1. I can't loose my computer.
2. Nosy family members can't read it.
3. If they do read it they could never trace it back to myself.
I know it's pretty lame to just pour out all my feelings onto a computer blog but I guess I'm pretty desperate because my mind is an utter wreck right now.

I guess I should get the basics of myself out of the way.

I'm 14, but I've been told I look and act a load older.
I hate it when people say things like that, but it's true.

I live in a small town.
Well actually we're technically a city now.

I'm a freshman, (not a fr$hman).
I'm actually supposed to be in 8th grade though.

I have some pretty great friends, I'm an honors student, and I'm pretty much the only freshman who's on the varsity soccer team. Everything seems pretty fucking fantastic, right?
