Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally finals and I'm going to lose it.

I don't know if I'm going to lose it in a sense of sanity or in the sense of weight.

I know I haven't updated you lately but nothings new.
I haven't been really talking to Luke, but me and Josh have been hitting it off.
He plans to come down here sometime during the second week of winter break.
This means the diet definitely needs to be in motion next week.
I know Christmas will make this hard... don't remind me.
This is why I plan on getting a head start starting tomorrow.... This gives me about forsure 10 days until Josh comes down to see me.
I still don't have an exact game plan as far as diets go.
I plan to water fast tomorrow and possibly the next day.
I'll start keeping you updated everyday again..
It gives me even more will power not to become even fatter.
